volunteer with us!
Our SHE and Generation Next youth programs are always seeking dedicated volunteers and mentors to support our students both in and outside the classroom! If you're interested in discussing opportunities such as personal pathways to college or trade schools, tutoring, the arts, nutrition, hygiene, financial literacy and more with our students, please fill out this form.
Are you interested in mentoring?
We are seeking dedicated mentors to guide and inspire Generation Next high school students as they navigate their personal pathways and college journeys. As a mentor, you would meet with your mentee 1-2 times a year, or more if you choose, to provide guidance, support, and encouragement as they manage life’s challenges. You’ll need to complete required clearances and participate in training on mandated reporting and implicit bias to ensure a positive and meaningful mentorship experience.
You can mentor as few as one student or take on multiple, depending on your availability. Ideally, mentors will begin working with a high school senior and continue supporting them through their college journey, from their senior year of high school to their senior year of college. Make a lasting impact on a student’s life—sign up today using the link below!
We're looking for job shadow hosts!
We are seeking companies and individuals interested in hosting our Generation Next students for their first-ever job shadow experience! Date TBD, early 2025 (between 8 AM to 2 PM), Generation Next students will have the chance to explore a day in the life of a career that aligns with their interests. Students will complete a questionnaire and reflection paper as part of the experience and will be responsible for providing their own transportation and lunch. Career interests include fields such as medical, marketing, cybersecurity, project management, finance, engineering, psychology, and more.
Help us ensure every Generation Next student has this valuable opportunity by signing up to host today! For more information or to get involved, please contact our Gen Next Coordinator, Amanda Starner, at astarner@caclv.org.
Os alunos devem atender a 2 dos 3 requisitos:
Estudantes de cor
Estudantes universitários de primeira geração
Estudantes elegíveis para almoço gratuito/reduzido
A Generation Next atende atualmente alunos do ensino médio no Distrito Escolar da Área de Allentown, Distrito Escolar da Área de Bethlehem e Distrito Escolar da Área de Easton.
Os alunos interessados devem entrar em contato com o Orientador Orientador de sua escola.
na sala de aula
O programa apresenta:
Visitas a faculdades
Projetos de Justiça Social
Mentoria individual
Palestrantes convidados
Conversas lideradas por alunos
Orientar alunos SHE
Networking de Empregos e Estágios
Bolsas de Estudo
Por meio de uma parceria com o restaurante Bethlehem Apollo Grill , a Generation Next oferece um Fundo de Bolsas para ajudar os alunos a enfrentar os desafios financeiros de suas carreiras universitárias. As bolsas de estudo são competitivas, com base no desempenho/promessa acadêmica e necessidade financeira comprovada.
O portal de bolsas será aberto em janeiro de 2022.